Non-scientific Writing

Non-Scientific Writing


Target non-scientific audiences are the curious ones who seek scientific facts to complete their quest for knowledge. 

How we can help you

Non-scientific writing serves the curiosity driven non-scientific audiences who read articles, watch videos and other content taking them through a science ride. 

This science ride needs to be fun, while presenting right facts with the right degree of complexity. Besides curiosity, decision-making remains a hallmark for the non-scientific audiences to comb through the scientific knowledge. 

These can be the decision-makers at local, national or international level, managers in a company, citizens casting their vote, people delving into public health issues, or others making a wide range of personal decisions. 

So, we offer a range of services to serve your science in a silver platter for non-scientific audiences. 

Writing Services

Popular science articles serve as a bridge between the science and general audiences. While being entertaining, they emphasize science and maintain it’s integrity. If composed by a non-expert with limited understanding of the subject, these articles can mislead the public. At Project Biology, our subject matter experts trained in biology write popular science articles that communicate the science in a sound and safe manner. Get in touch and allow us to help you.
Blog articles
Blog articles follow the specific scientific theme and can be written by an individual scientist, scientific institution, or a science company. Blog articles provide the readers focused knowledge about the scientific idea or theme. Meticulously written science blogs can help establish your or your brand’s reputation online. At Project Biology, our subject matter experts help you achieve your blogging goals. Our team members trained in different areas of biology share your workload with weave stories around your biological ideas. Get in touch and let us help you. 
Science behind things
A lot happens in biology, which makes people curious. Explaining the science behind things helps connect with readers while assisting them in learning more. Our unique science behind thing articles help you teach science to your readers. At Project Biology, our subject matter experts offer you the expertise to weave narratives around the science behind things to help you reach more teach more. Get in touch and allow us to help you.
We proudly present you Infoarticles, which are a unique combination of infographics and article. Here we write about your science and complement it with beautiful and apt illustrations. At Project Biology, the team trained in different areas of biology works to not only give ideas to your words but also put them in pictures. Get in touch, and let us create beautiful and informative Infoarticles for you.
Whitepapers help biology-based businesses and even scientists who turn entrepreneurs. A carefully composed whitepaper presents all the facts and logical arguments to build a favorable case in front of your audience. At Project Biology, our subject matter experts produce whitepapers that can help you with leads, establish dialogue, make a business case, or inform prospective audiences. Our team members trained in different areas of biology share your vision and make factful whitepapers for you to achieve your goal. Get in touch and let us help you.
CER Writing
Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning follow the format of writing with scientific discourse. We begin with the conclusion about a problem, bring in the appropriate scientific evidence to support the claim. It follows with the reasoning to justify the evidence supporting the scientific claim and includes necessary scientific principles. At Project Biology, our subject matter experts offer scientific expertise to appeal to your audiences. Our team members trained in different subject areas of biology help you systematically present the arguments. Get in touch and allow us to help you.
Custom requirement

Did we miss something? Let us know what you want for your general audiences and Project Biology team will get working on it. 

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