Express science in simple language : Learn with me

Hello fellow from world of science. Welcome to Project Biology. I am Yashika and here I combine my passion for the subject (biology) and communication to produce strategic insights, helpful knowledge and content to help you speak to your target audience. Scroll down to know more about areas I work towards:

Strategic insights
Analysing, conceptualising, re-aligning and identifying science communication strategies.
Impactful content
Content that speaks to the audience via story telling, illustrations and more.
Training & Capacity building
Learning and talking about solutions that counsel, address, educate and help build relationships with different audiences.
Scientific discovery or innovation has a story to it

Let's make Science Creative & Engaging

The content I create can take many forms, including thematic writing, converting data-heavy documents to stories, reports, infographics, illustrations, and other media.

Why Project Biology?

To make research accessible & engaging

Why I talk about science communication? Because science in its pure form, as produced by researchers, can prove demanding for lay audiences. At the same time scientific knowledge is important to fight misinformation and make decisions. So as a community we need to focus on:

Audience-focused engagement strategies
Make science open to participation
Frame issues correctly
Practice place-based dialogs
Start Discussion

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